Thursday, January 19, 2017

19/365 multicultural scholar's kick off senior question

I am currently a part of a very prestigious scholars program called, "Multicultural Scholars" at Maryville University.  Today we had our scholar's kick off event where the director and my great mentor, boss, and advisor - Turan Mullins, officially laid out the foundation and whole new outlook of what the scholars program is, what is new about it, and what our expectations are.

Towards the end of the event, Turan says, "May I have my seniors stand please and tell us about how the program has impacted you, your regrets, what you learned...." and so on.  When he said that - I freaked out because I am not good at public speaking and thinking on the spot... so I played it off with some jokes, made people laugh, and told them to be yourself.  But of course - I have more to that.  And here it is.

For these past four years in this program - it has taught me many different things, but two stand out to me the most.  First is - be a better version of you.  As you go through this program you will understand that getting out of your comfort zone, going to different events, and just living your everyday life in a new area is helping you to become a better person everyday.  You may not realize it in a matter of seconds, but somehow and someway, you have managed to become a little better than you were a day before.  There are days you take steps back or even days you move forward.  No matter what, embrace the better version of you.  Accept your changed self and know that it will only go up from here.

My second thing I learned as a multicultural scholar is to never have doubts.  Did you know, if you ever have doubted anything - you should never do it.  The best decision are the decisions you never doubt.  And that is what this program has taught me.  The program allowed me to embrace the nature of whatever I decided to do.  The nature of what was best for me.  I am my worst enemy, so of course I doubted myself all the time - in everything I did.  But with a great support family from the scholars, amazing advisors, and requirements that came from the scholarship to keep me in check - I began to understand that I am greater than my doubts.  I can accomplish anything I set my mind to, do it my way, and know that no matter what - I am creating a legacy not only for myself, but one for the multicultural family.

All in all, continue to work smart, manage your time spent at Maryville wisely and remember to love yourself and have no doubts.   You may not see it now, but you too, will create a legacy that will be cherished and appreciated forever in the multicultural family.   Thank you to Turan for believing and fighting for me to be a part of this wonderful family.  And thank you to all of you for accepting this award and being one of the many students that will continue to make this program exceptional.

Mari J Leano

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