Sunday, January 8, 2017

8/365 favorite youtubers

If you know me (you don't really though, because I haven't formerly introduced myself lol), I enjoy watching youtube videos.  It is literally my most visited website every single day of my life.  So, I decided I wanted to share with you some of my favorite youtubers!

1.  itsjudyslife, itsjudytime
Judy Travis is a mother of three beautiful daughters, a makeup artist, a full time blogger and also a Filipino representative working alongside with Youtube.  I was first introduced to her first channel, itsjudytime, when I was trying to figure out how to draw in my

eyebrows during my senior year of high school.  After watching that video, I was hooked.  I deliberately waited for her to post videos.  When a video came out, I watched it instantly and kept falling in love with not only her channel, but makeup.
I then realized that she also had a vlog channel, itsjudyslife, that featured her everyday life in her Washington home.  Along the way, I was able to meet her husband Benji, see them be a youthful married couple.  And then I was also able to follow their journey when they had there first child Julianna and then their two beautiful twins, Miyako and Keira.
Judy has been my favorite all time youtuber.  I have been subscribed to her for five years now.  I honestly enjoy watching there everyday lives, continuing to support their charity called Dancember and also love to celebrate with them moments where they achieve accomplishments.  It is so great to follow a family that is prosperous and is willing to give back.

2. Rose Ellen Dix & TheRoxetera
If you haven't realized by now, I am a part of the LGBTQIA+ community.  With that said, I enjoy watching many youtubers that are in the community as well.  Whether it be vlogs, an educational video, or even challenges - I love being able to feel comfortable and watch videos that can relate to sexual orientation.
Rose Ellen Dix and Roseanne Elizabeth Spaughton, also known as Rose and Rosie, are an English comedy and entertainment duo.  They are very well known for their popular youtube channels.  I am not quite sure what the order is for each channel, since they do both post on each one a lot... but I feel as if Rose's channel has a lot of content on LGBTQ issues, challenges, and more comedy.  Rosie's channel contains more of the everyday life vlogging content and real talk issues.
If you haven't guessed, they are married and live a wonderful life in England, somewhere.  I only have started to watch them recently, but they have made my list of favorite youtubers only because they are literally such a magnificent couple.  They inspire me to be myself, not be ashamed, and also help me during times I have to "stay in my closet".  They also make me laugh during late nights, and who wouldn't like that?  I enjoy there personalities and content.  They give this world something to smile about.

3.  Patrick Starr
I love makeup and if it wasn't for him, I would not understand anything about it!  Patrick Starr, my all time favorite makeup youtube guru is a male, with a slaying personality.  Once you start watching him, you cannot get enough!  And that is exactly what happened to me.  He is so funny, giving, and so talented!  He definitely is an inspiration to me because he motivates many to be themselves, no matter what.  As for him, it is definitely hard to be a man in makeup, because that isn't the stigma.  But of course, he is a jack of all trades.  He is defying normality in every single way, and people may be surprised... but he slays.  He also is great with connecting with fans and being an outlook for many boys who would want to fill his shoes as well.

So these are my favorite youtubers thus far!  Hopefully you will enjoy them as well!  I'll try to do another blog on more youtubers I love.  I can't only have three favorites, I have plenty more!

Mari J Leano


  1. Interesting list. I have only heard of "itsjudyslife". Heard being the keyword as I haven't watched her videos (to my knowledge at least).

    Just curious, have you watched and are a fan of Casey Neistat and his vlogs?! :D

    1. Gerald! Haha, no I have not. I'll look more into it! And yes, itjudyslife is so great! You should try watching there vlogs haha.

    2. I know my brother watches her vlogs. Oh and just to note, Casey stopped doing daily vlogs just a couple weeks ago! </3
