Tuesday, January 10, 2017

10/365 get that glow up!

Me looking for Marianne & Melissa 5.0
For the past few years now, one of my main new year's resolution was to have a glow up.  Also known as, a total transformation to the extremities of my appearance.  In my case, I want to change my body from a "chubby" physique to a "healthy" one!

You may have heard it from everyone else, but gaining weight is so much easier than losing weight.  And let me tell you, I am a pure example of that.  Starting from my junior year of high school until now - I knew becoming healthy came with eating right, self love and exercise.  But I totally disregarded that.  I thought my physique would be okay.  I could just be one of those girls that will stay skinny forever.  I was wrong and my body has suffered.

With that said, I am executing a plan to become healthy and achieve self love.  Not only will it be a long way to go - but it will be a transformation I have long awaited for.  I just have to remind myself of the goals that stand behind this glow up.  Maybe these goals will help you too!

1. Glow up with a partner!
I always loved exercising, and a lot of the programs that has intentional exercise were group ones.  I was always motivated by others, pushing me to become better.  I am not mentally great at motivating myself, so having a partner along side of this journey would be a plus not only in my life, but also in theirs.  With that, my girlfriend, Melissa will be my accomplice!  Haha, we will destroy and shrink our fat cells, gain muscles, and finally achieve a BMI of healthiness.

2. Exercise is a priority.
No matter what, exercise should be a priority.  If it is a busy day, plan at least 30 minutes in your schedule to give yourself time to shed not only your cals, but your stress!  Although the work out may be small, give it all you got to get closer to your glow up!

3. Eat healthy!
They say 80% of getting healthy is due to a great diet!  Meal preps and giving yourself a time to use it wisely to prepare a week of good food will benefit you in having meals a day, more time to concentrate on other things, and also a healthiness you long for!

4. Mental state at bay = patience
It will be hard to get into the habit of eating healthy, staying away from empty calories, and putting in time to workout - but keep yourself motivated!  Train your mental state to understand the end in mind.  It all takes patience and soon enough results will keep coming in!

Let me know how you plan to accomplish your glow up!  Stay motivated and never give up!

Mari J Leano

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