Friday, January 13, 2017

13/365 home is where ever you are

Have you ever heard the saying, "There's no place like home"?  Many see this saying as a place.  For example, many college students study out of state or internationally.  When they come back to there original home for a break - you hear a lot of them say this saying in relief.  Why relief?  Because they are able to be back in a place they have been all there life.  It is the true home that will forever lay close to their heart.

Home can either be used as a noun, adverb, or verb.  But in this case - we will use home as a noun.  Not only can home be used to describe a place, but it also can be used to describe a person.  "There's no place like home and home is where ever you are."  How can a saying like this, relate to a person?

For many of us and our instinctiveness, home can be be described in two ways - feeling at home and being at home.  For a person, you can describe both!  Just think of it like this, when you were a child, you spent most of your time in your childhood bedroom that was taken cared of and owned by your parents or guardians.  They filled the home with love, making it comfortable for you to live happily.  You spent most of your time developing skills and characteristics of yourself by either watching someone at home, or simply learning as you go.  You learned how to cope with everything at home.  It was a place that aligned everything around you.   But sometimes, your home will change - time and time again.  In this case, you would have to re-do everything.

That is exactly what you can do in a person.  Whether it be your partner, a family relative, or even your best friend - you rediscover home over and over again.  Some people may never need to find another, after once leaving home.  Some may never even leave the one home they've always known.  Home, for you, can be instilled in all the people you meet.  You may not show up to it a lot, but it will forever be there, no matter what.  It is the true home that will forever lay close to your heart and in many others.

Mari J Leano

1 comment:

  1. This resonates with me so well! Going to Milwaukee from Hawaii was a big decision. I knew no one and actually flew by myself..alone. Once I started school at MSOE, I did my best to connect with everyone and simply, "make myself feel right at home". Milwaukee has become my second home and I was able to create a sense of community for myself to provide comfort.

    Thanks for sharing this, Marianne! <3
